Building Process
We pride ourselves on transparency and want the home buyer to have a full understanding of our commitment to excellence. Below you will find our approach to every home that we construct.
The homesite will be prepped, footings poured, and foundation installed. The foundation system is inspected.
The interior and exterior walls are framed then roof trusses, sheathing, doors, and windows are installed. Veneer inspection takes place.
HVAC, plumbing, and electrical wiring and devices are installed. All mechanicals as well as framing are inspected.
Spray foam and batt insulation is installed and inspected. Drywall is hung and finished.
Roof shingles, siding, exterior trim, porch rails, and decks are installed.
Doors, trim, and cabinetry are installed before the house gets painted. Counter tops and floor coverings are also installed.
Lighting and plumbing fixtures are installed as well as appliances and interior hardware. Finish mechanical inspections take place. Yard is graded & seeded and finish driveway is installed.
The house undergoes extensive cleaning inside & out. A final building inspection by the locality and quality assurance inspections by RW Home take place.
You conduct the home orientation walk-though with your RW Home rep...and the keys are handed over at closing!